Sunday, July 10, 2016

Review- #TeethingDroolPadsandBib

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Review- #TeethingDroolPadsandBib

This is a really great product and I wasn't able to show you them on an actual Ergo baby carrier because I don't have one at the moment but this product is really simple to use and I didn't even know this was such a thing but comes in so handy, especially if you have a very messy baby.
It has the 2 drool pads, which you just wrap around the arm straps on the carrier, it has snap buttons so it is really simple to wrap around the strap and snap them into place. One of the drool pads has a holder so you can clip a toy or a pacifier to it and your baby can reach it with ease and you won't have to worry about baby dropping or losing the toy because it is clipped onto the carrier.
There is then a bib that buttons onto the carrier, the sides just slide on and button right onto the front of the carrier, this is best if your baby drools a lot or may accidentally spit up. It goes into the drool pad so you just then take it off and wash it instead of having to wash the whole carrier.
I think these make things so much easier for anybody with the Ergo baby carrier. Everything just easily comes off of it so after your baby is done drooling or teething on the carrier, like some do, you just have to take off the pads and throw them in the washer. Makes life so much easier and perfect for any parent. I am so glad I got to try this product for free for my honest opinion and I can't wait to put these on my Ergo baby carrier when I am able to get one.

get yours here:

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